The Mathematical Fallacy Project


Fallacy Definition: – a mistaken belief, especially one based on an unsound argument. – A fallacy, is the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning in the construction of an argument that may appear to be well-reasoned if unnoticed.

I am sort of using the definition “Fallacy” incorrectly according to online dictionary sources. This is regarding the “unsound” evidence or argument portion of the definition. The aspects in question in this project are accurate, truthful, usable, and powerful formulas. I decided to call it a fallacy because, from the perspective of math’s correspondence with nature, there are aspects that can’t be grounded or replicated. Thus, in the eyes of nature, it is a fallacy. A mistaken belief of truth.

I ask that you don’t get too hung up on semantics and the meaning of “Fallacy” as we dive into this concept. As we progress, you’ll learn what I’m trying to say rather than holding on to the agreed-upon meaning of the word.


One of the practices I’ve incorporated into my thinking is to separate what I learn (and what is being taught to me), from what I can physically reproduce in real time. Yes, although something can be considered to be truth, I like to see if I can replicate that truth using physical properties in real time. The Mathematical Fallacy concept shows how of the 4 mathematical rules, only addition and subtraction are physically represented in nature. Multiplication and subtraction are not. In this project, I will go deeper into this concept and expand on the various other concepts that support or relate to this. This project is still in development and I don’t want to divulge too much here, so, check out the project and keep up with the updates to learn more about the concept.

“Truth is either something that can repeatedly tested and have the same result after experimentation or something that is commonly agreed on as true by the majority.”

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The posts below will further elaborate on the concept of “The Mathematical Fallacy” project. Each post will relate in one way or another to expanding on the idea of ‘The Mathematical Fallacy’.


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